Spray Tools
Maschinenbau Böhmer's spray tools are always tailored to the die-casting mould and to the application. Based on the mould data, a simulation, projecting the spray cones onto the mould surface is generated. The simulation helps to determine the optimum number, angle and spacing of the spray heads.
For quick and cost efficient design and manufacturing, we rely on our highly flexible modular spray system.

Spray Tools for Lightweight Cast Components
Reducing vehicle weight is a crucial factor in reducing the fuel consumption of vehicles with a conventional combustion engine or to extend the range of electric vehicles. The goal is to make the vehicle body lighter while at the same time meeting the increasing requirements concerning corrosion resistance, stability and geometry of the components. Here the advantages of die-cast aluminum for structural components, cross members and subframes come into play. Our micro spraying or hybrid spray tools for structural die cast components optimize the application of release agent while reducing cycle times.